
Fear not!

She had a very worrisome day. She got so anxious that she tried to control things on her own again. But God is indeed bigger than our circumstances. She had this feeling that she needed to watch the online service and she watched. Guess what, I guess God is really with her. God talked to her through the online service. Fear not that was what the online service was about. God is bigger and in control so fear not. Always remember that God is with us always and always we just have to call on him. Blessed Sunday!

Nothing is impossible with God

So I already wrote about that girl who used up her money to pay for her dues in a online loan shark.  That day, she asked the Lord, what she should do. She saw a sign and she followed it.  She never expected that she could be given that amount. An mount that could help her to have a peaceful life.  That was very unexpected.  Now, the day came for that blessing to come. She can't believe that it was real. It was a dream come true. God provided for her again. God is really good! He never fails to provide. He never fails to give peace to those who trust in him. She cried for joy. God helped her again. God is really a God of miracles. God is a God of possibilities. We only have to ask and offer everything to him. So never stop trusting and offer everything to God. It may take time, but God will never abandon you. Trust and pray all the time🙏

God's unfailing love

There are times that God stops you but we tend to do things our way and we usually fail afterwards. A story of a girl who had a very terrible day but was saved by God's grace and unfailing love. The day came for her loan to mature. She had to pay as she was in fear that maybe the loan shark will do something bad to her if she won't. While she was on the process of paying her loan, the counter had several connection issues, she already felt she is being stopped from paying it. God's will? Let's see.. After several tries, she successfuly paid her loan and tried to reloan as that money she used to pay for her loan was for her family's needs. She was too confident she could have a reloan but guess what, she got declined. She felt like the world crashed in front of her. What will she do? How can she face her family knowing that the money intended for their needs was used to pay an online shark? But God's way are higher than our ways and his love never fails. To make ...

God's Masterpiece

We may feel that we are a failure. We may feel that we are hopeless. We may feel that we are the worst. We may have done things that we wish we could change or erase. But know that God loves you. He made you in his likeness. You are his creation. God is also a  God of second chances. Nothing is impossible in him if you only believe. So, cheer up and live anew in Christ. God loved us so much that he gave his only son to save us from all our sins. And remember this, you are God's masterpiece.

Choose love

She used to be so close with her mom. When she was younger, she even thought of not being able to live without her. But, the day came, her mom has to leave her and her siblings. Her mom was suffering a large debt, it was already out of control. They can't fix it as they don't have the resources as well. So one day, her mom left to go to another place. She was in college back then, her siblings were in highschool. She had to function as a mother and father to her siblings because her father was working outside of the country. Years past, and she was able to live with her mom again but things isn't how it used to be back then. Maybe, she had these anger or hate in heart why their mom left them. Unfortunately, she is also suffering what her mom experienced. She also had enormous debts that she even thought of giving up and leave this world. Now she understand why her mom made that decision. Now she knows what it feels. Maybe, she had to be in that situation to find the forgive...


She was bombarded with harassments. The online sharks kept on sending her hurtful messages and even shouted at her on the phone. How can life be so hard? She thought. Why is my life like this? Why do I suffer? Am I a bad person? What must I do to be rescued? These thoughts kept running on her mind. She was helpless.  She doesn't know what to do. Silently suffering. Can someone still help her? Will God rescue her? She knows, God is there, it's so hard for her to believe that she can still be rescued nor has a bright future waiting for her. Her thoughts are tangled and torn between being hopeful and doubtful. If you were her, what will you do? .. To be continued and here it is.. She encountered this verse. how timely isn't it? We may doubt and lose hope but God says be still in his presence. We just have to be patient, God will make a way when there seems to be no way. ..End

God moves in mysterious ways

One morning, she prayed to God. She doesn't have enough money on her wallet. But she has to buy some stuff. She needs to buy milk, viand and also a loan that she has to pay. She felt so down but she was trying to pull her self up. She said to her self "God will provide, God will provide, God will provide.  God will never leave me. He even cared for the birds how much more me, whom he made in his likeness." She stayed hopeful despite all her circumstances and even if she was already at the verge of breaking down. She went to work but her thoughts were floating away. Even in the comfort room she was praying for God to help her. And tadaaaaa, she received an unexpected message in her messenger. A message from her aunt. Her aunt out of the blue told her that they will be sending money as her other aunt won in the casino. How great is thy God, right? He provided for her through her aunt. Sometimes, God uses people in mysterious ways to bless those in need. May God use the peop...